About the book

And Lead Us Not Into Dysfunction
Michael P. Friday

Dysfunction. Anyone who has sojourned through congregations or denominations would agree that these are not immune to dysfunction. These holy organizations often eschew the standards upheld by secular organizations. It matters not that those “profane” or “worldly” processes accomplish those organizations’ mission, and serve humanity well — all within sound ethical boundaries. Consequently, many church organizations deny themselves the best practices of better organized entities. Their leaders think they have nothing to learn from secular leadership theory and practice. They fail to realize that not every leadership or organizational practice, portrayed in the Bible, is healthy or appropriate for our times. And Lead Us Not Into Dysfunction pursues the conviction that church organizations, and their leaders can perform far better than they do. The book explores the causes of anything from mediocrity to dysfunction in church organizations, and outlines several helpful measures that congregations and denominations may embrace to secure organizational and leadership health. This book is a must have for every pastor, church leader, denominational leader, seminarian, and leadership and organizational dynamics student.

I use intriguing, humorous and riveting stories of actual pastoral, congregational, and denominational experiences, to demonstrate the mediocrity, ineffectiveness, misbehavior, and toxicity, all of which frequently descend upon congregations, denominations, and their members and leaders. I show how such church organizations are left beleaguered, discouraged, and fully led into dysfunction. I examine many of the causes for these organizational maladies, and offer the best leadership and organizational practices as solutions and corrections.

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Monday With Friday!

A Five-to-Ten Minute opportunity on selected Monday mornings for a pause to consider your week ahead, and how to make it count. Join me for Monday morning for Monday With Friday. 
Here is episode #182 of Monday February 10, 2025.

Hitler’s Shadow in America – Part I

“Trump and those he has surrounded himself with are…exactly like Hitler and the members of his Nazi party. Each move he has made through the election cycle, and since his election, resemble [sic] very closely Hitlers [sic], in form and function, and the end goal is the same: absolute power. Trumps [sic] red hats are very much like Hitlers [sic] brown shirts. Both despots needed their adoring followers that hero worship them…Once you know the long process, and the series of actions Hitler took…and compare them to Trump, then it is painfully obvious (how alike they are)” – Corran Addison, on Facebook, Feb 1, 2025).

American “Christian nationalists,” in their shift of allegiance from Jesus to Trump, mirror the incredibly swift journey toward Naziism that the German church made, 80-plus years ago. German Christians quickly became practically deputized by Hitler and the Third Reich to inflict his wickedness upon other Christians and Jews. This series will show many parallels between Hitler and Trump, and “German Christians” and “Christian nationalists.”




Watch the video for more.


Friday Leads Consulting Services

I have developed, over nearly 42 years, the education, experience and skills that make me the Congregational Health Strategist that I am, and who you need. I possess vast organizational and leadership experience in a variety of international settings. My 12 years of postgraduate education in organizational leadership studies, theology, and ministry, my 42 years of experience in public and congregational life all make me the strategist and partner you’d want for your organizational, congregational and leadership development needs.


Dr. Michael P. Friday

Whether it is interactions on social media, or in the church community or in seminars or other gatherings, I look forward to engaging with others in pursuit of the excellence of life which can only be yours when it is mine, and mine when it is yours. I want to know that when I shall have come to the end of my days, somebody, and some institution, might say, “his living was not in vain.” I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to join you, even for moments, in pursuit of that excellence of life which a significant man once called “Abundant Life”…

Leadership & Power


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Testimonials and Reviews


Les A. Scales

Executive Minister, Union Baptist Church

“Wow! What can I say about Dr. Michael Friday! I have had the privilege to work alongside him at the Union Baptist Church in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Friday came to us at a critical point in our church’s history and we needed a person of his caliber with his unique skill set. Dr. Friday possesses leadership abilities par excellence. His intellect allowed him to navigate our most complex of organizational and theological issues while recommending and implementing change that was always compassionate and people oriented. He has demonstrated an impressive balance between competence and humility that allowed him to work effectively with people individually, in small groups and congregation wide. During his time at Union, he led Congregational Listening Sessions to allow a forum for members and regular attenders to voice the concerns or express their curiosities. He planned and led a leadership retreat that challenged the leaders to evaluate the present state of ministry and to discern and envision the future direction of ministry. Dr. Friday proved himself to be consistent and a man of integrity–he did what he said he would do when he said he would do it! Finally, Dr. Friday is not a one man show. He understands himself to be a co-laborer with the communities in which he participates. He shares his thoughts, provides his insights and welcomes open and honest discussion. He will challenge the status quo but ultimately trusts that God is always speaking in community and welcomes the community to own whatever changes they deem necessary. To that end, I would highly recommend any church or organization–large or small–to work with Dr. Friday to help you operate more faithfully, efficiently and purposefully.”

Paul and Clare Rogers

Mystic, CT.

“We will always be grateful for Rev. Dr. Michael Friday’s tenure as Interim Pastor at our Connecticut church. His keen ability to identify areas of need and his prodigious command of the scriptures as teaching tools was on full display during workshops, at meetings, and from the pulpit. His willingness to convey tough but thoroughly accurate messages was deeply beneficial, and his guidance was instrumental in setting the stage for our next settled pastor. We feel confident that engaging his professional services through Friday Leads would be thoroughly beneficial and exciting for your congregation. We are even more confident that his book, And Lead Us Not Into Dysfunction, has distilled much of what we learned and benefited from Reverend Dr. Friday, and that you will learn a great deal from him just as our congregation did during his time with us”

Kim and David Toot

Grace United Church, Wellsville, NY

“Grace United Church was very lucky to have the Rev. Dr. Michael Friday as our interim pastor during our recent merger.   Michael brought wonderful pastoral experience, superb preaching and extensive education in organizational development to our congregation at just the right time.  His skills were just what were needed at a complicated and delicate time for us.  We had people join the church while Michael was our interim pastor – an added bonus to the blessings of his time with us.  Because of experiences like those he shared with us, his book, And Lead Us Not Into Dysfunction should fit the needs of many congregations finding their way in these complex times. Additionally, we encourage you to consider his congregational/organizational consultancy, Friday Leads, for your congregational, organizational, or leadership needs.
Kim Toot, Chair- Pastor Search Committee, David Toot, Co-chair, General Board”