Truth Matters!

by Michael Friday The American Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning for violent extremism, fueled by falsehoods, lies, and misinformation. One public affairs researcher wonders if American politics are now a rehearsal for civil war, while a former intelligence officer says this danger is on par with what ISIS was a decade ago.…

A Very Different Kind of Blog, But It’s Still About Leadership: Wake Up, America!

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death reveals two things once more, that Americans know are true: America’s brokenness and (tacitly) the inadequacy of the United States Constitution. The latter, though it reminds us that neither the framers nor the document were perfect, has long since warranted reform. The former (America’s brokenness) is due, more to the…

Memorial Day 2020: The War Yet To Be Won

In her excellent and justifiably best-selling book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in The Age of Colorblindness, (The New Press, NY 2012) Michelle Alexander argues and substantiates that “racism is highly adaptable” (p.21ff). Establishing that America has always had a system where the white race sought to control first the American Indians and then…

Beyond Superficial Thinking About Refugees

For some days now, I have been watching, piece by piece, an Amazon Original documentary entitled Human Flow (Jeff Bezos can send me 0000.1% of this week’s earnings as payment for this advertisement). It is a harrowing depiction of refugees, refugee camps, the precious human beings whom are what some folks disdainfully or even dispassionately call “refugees”…


Evan Osnos, a New Yorker staff writer, opined in a recent TV appearance that a “religion of growth” pervades Facebook, preventing its founder Mark Zuckerberg from taking responsibility to thoroughly rid Facebook of its fake news, and its susceptibility to destabilize America’s electoral integrity and democracy. That “religion” pursues user growth at any cost, promoting…